Shine Bright

Christmas tree with colored sequin balls in colors of rainbow

Shine Bright


Over holiday break I heard about a science teacher who starts off the school year with the statement: “Everything starts with light.”

Simple, yet profound.

But, what is light?

Scientifically, light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. The electromagnetic spectrum also includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays—but none of these are visible to the human eye.

Light is an integral portion of the universe and how things work (—including the ability to see color, which is what’s exciting to me.

From other perspectives, light can be describe as:

  • The opposite of darkness
  • A source of illumination that can spark, shine, glow, or brighten
  • Natural or artificial
  • A beacon to guide the way
  • A way to set the mood
  • Something associated with spiritual enlightenment
  • A positive symbol of hope, truth, knowledge, goodness, happiness, and purity

How Light Speaks to You

In the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, I came across this perfect card. It seemed frivolous to purchase it for myself, so I walked away. After a strong internal nudge, I returned the next day. It was right where I left it, waiting for me.

The blush red background is the perfect complement to the soft gray-green tree, providing comfort and peace. But, the lights! They speak to me. The baubles not only represent the colors of the rainbow (ROY G. BIV)—they SPARKLE! I’m going to frame the card so I can enjoy it throughout the year.

As I describe in my book, Living Authentically Through Color, responses to color run the gamut. Some people are hypersensitive to color, which I interpret to mean they can feel overwhelmed and overstimulated by intense colors. Whereas those who are hyposensitive feed off vibrant colors; it’s their fuel. Other reactions fall somewhere along a spectrum of variations. What about you? Which of these words or phrases do you relate to the most?

Words that describe how you relate to color, from hypersensitive to hyposensitive.
Color Preferences Spectrum


From my book, “The cool thing about color is that it can be used as a coping mechanism when learning to embrace your authentic self. When life feels overwhelming with literal or figurative clutter and noise, color can calm and soothe. Conversely, when you’re feeling down, color can excite and energize.”

To learn more about how to live your true colors and shine bright, get my book today and sign up for the FREE reading guide—over 100 pages of content!