My Research Results

Resource Hub

After publishing my first book and wavering about what to do with it, I discovered the private Facebook Group, Autistic Women+ Living Authentically.

As many members often express, the group was life-changing for me. I had finally found my tribe, albeit a virtual tribe, but a tribe(!). I have learned so much by reading others’ posts. The problem is, my brain struggles with processing information shared in an organic space like Facebook, where there are no containers.

I found myself wanting to filter all of the wonderful resources and shared ideas into a searchable database because I LOVE details and efficiency.

I decided to see if others have a similar desire, which is why I conducted research for my Master’s Degree Capstone to find out. And, guess what? I’m not alone. 

Coming soon! Confetti Dreamers Resource Hub, a searchable list of resources shared by members of Autistic Women+ Living Authentically.

Research Results

As part of my capstone project, I posted a survey to the Facebook Group, Autistic Women+ Living Authentically, and asked if anyone was willing to meet with me for a 1:1 interview. After analyzing the data from 23 surveys and 3 interviews, I found some trends*.

Click the “Research Results” button to find out more.

* Disclaimer: This was done for a 6-week graduate class, so I didn’t have enough time to collect enough surveys for statistically reliable and valid results. But…there are golden nuggets.