Shine Bright
Light Over holiday break I heard about a science teacher who starts off the school year with the statement: “Everything starts with light.” Simple, yet profound. But, what is light? Scientifically, light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G Is Connected
From my humble point of view, everything (E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G) is connected. Think Butterfly Effect or the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. As someone who does a lot of self-reflecting, all of my life experiences interconnect and relate to where I am

Colorful World of Buttons
A Jar of Buttons Have you ever wondered why sorting through a jar or cookie tin of buttons is magical? Whether it’s from your grandma or an estate sale, there is thrill in the hunt. But I think it’s more

Say What? You’re Autistic?
Who Am I? Hi, my name is Shannon Hilscher. Author, instructional designer, and self-proclaimed introvert. I spent the first 50 years of my life wondering, “Why is life so hard?” How does one go from being described as shy, quiet,